• "You are the sole author of the story of your life, my dear. Make it a good one."

    Danielle Ganek

  • "We have the power of the pen to write the next chapter, and the privilege to author the page in whatever fashion we choose. Yet, seldom do we understand the power of the pen and the privilege of the page"

    Craig D. Lounsbrough

  • "It takes courage to be the author of your life"

    Nicholas Lore

  • "If life is a poem, be the poet. If life is a story, be the author. If life is an adventure, be the hero. To live any other way is a waste of this experience we call life."

    Steve Maraboli

  • "Stories are a communal currency of humanity"

    Tahir Shah

christchurch antenatal classes

Our Story

Our society is filled with noise when it comes to the pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey, unfortunately most of this noise is negative. Somehow word travels and we are left thinking why on earth would anyone in their right mind want to do this?!

“The secret is - great pregnancy, birth and postpartum stories don’t just happen, they are the product of thoughtful and intentional preparation”

We spend hours perusing which pram/capsule/bassinet combo we need, or umming and ahhing over our nursery colour scheme - but when it comes to preparing for pregnancy, birth and postpartum we too often just wing it and hope for the best.

Firstly a midwife and then a mother - I soon realised (both through clients of mine and my own journey) the need for a different approach to antenatal education. Just as no marathon runner would show up on race day without any prior training, so it is with birth. The antenatal course I have thoughtfully and intentionally designed is the equivalent of a marathon runner’s rigorous and in-depth training regime. Holistically designed to have you and your support team walking into the days ahead with confidence.

I am passionate about informing, equipping and empowering you to hold the pen as you write your pregnancy, birth and parenthood story.

Lovely to meet you, I’m Jess.

midwife, mama & face behind Authored

Even prior to having my own children, my awe of the female body when it comes to pregnancy, birth and motherhood led me to pursue midwifery. After graduating and working as a LMC midwife for some time, I fell pregnant with Winnie (the most gorgeous and fiery red-headed 3 year old). Walking the journey of pregnancy, birth and motherhood myself was and is the craziest, wildest ride I’ve ever been on, in saying that it is the most empowering thing I’ve done as a human being and my most greatest achievement. Saddened by the fact that this wasn’t every mama’s reality, I sought to bring change. Hello “Authored.”

I absolutely LOVE my job and the honour and privilege I have of walking this journey alongside many families - equipping and empowering them to be the author of the greatest story ever told, their story.

Outside of work I love a good hill walk, woodfired pizza and an uninterrupted shower.

Hope to meet you soon x